Welcome, Partner Agencies
The 2022 Partner Agency Agreement and 2022 Annual Survey are LIVE!
Each document is due by February 10, 2022
Welcome to a new year of partnership with MANNA FoodBank. Our vision is a hunger-free Western North Carolina and as a MANNA FoodBank Partner Agency we are honored to work together with your organization towards this goal.
The 2022 Partner Agency Agreement outlines the requirements for MANNA FoodBank partnership and intent to keep food safe, meet all Feeding America partnership requirements, and ensure anyone in need is provided nourishing food as well as the best experience and service possible by your Partner Agency.
The 2022 Partner Agency Agreement is due by February 10, 2022.
Partner Agencies are required to submit a copy of their 501c3 Determination Letter or EIN Verification Letter for exempt Religious Organizations as part of the 2022 Partner Agency Agreement process. If you do not have a copy of your 501c3 Determination Letter or EIN Verification Letter for exempt Religious Organizations you will be responsible for obtaining a copy and submitting it the Agency Relations Team within 90 days to keep your agency account in good standing. There are links to IRS resources and how to request copies of these documents on the submission page.
Once you’ve submitted the 2022 Partner Agency Agreement the Primary and Secondary Contacts listed will receive a fully executed copy of the agreement with a digital signature from the Director of Agency Relations. Each contact will also receive a digital copy of the 2022 Partner Agency Agreement.
Click here to complete the 2022 PARTNER AGENCY AGREEMENT
Starting this year all Partner Agencies are required to submit the 2022 Annual Partner Agency Survey. The 2022 Annual Partner Agency Survey is due by February 10, 2022. This survey provides an opportunity for MANNA to receive valuable feedback regarding each agency’s satisfaction with the services they have received from MANNA over the past year, along with updated agency information to give MANNA a more complete picture of our Partner Network. The Survey should take roughly 15-20 minutes to complete.
Click here to complete the 2022 ANNUAL PARTNER AGENCY SURVEY
We appreciate your partnership with MANNA FoodBank and your service to your community. We could not win the fight against food insecurity without you.
If you have questions relating to the 2022 Partner Agency Agreement or the 2022 Annual Partner Agency Survey reach out to the MANNA FoodBank Agency Relations team at ar@mannafoodbank.org or call us at (828) 299-3663. You can also use the MANNA FoodBank Contact List for Partner Agencies to reach a specific member of the Agency Relations Team.
2020 October-2021 September TEFAP Agreement
Please click here to find the 2020 TEFAP agreement.
MANNA Staff Contact List
Contact information for MANNA FoodBank employees can be found here.
Partner Ordering Portal
You’ll find the menu to the left for all of your needs: online ordering, delivery schedules and important documents that only our partners need. If you need ordering support, please contact our main office at 828-299-3663 and ask to be connected to the Agency Relations team.