Partnering with MANNA: Together We Can Solve Hunger

We have changed this young man’s name to protect his privacy, but he and his girls are actual WNC residents, and their story is real.
Help us help families, like Adam’s…
Adam has a full time job, but it’s still not enough to keep food on the table for his three daughters. They are part of the working poor – a growing segment of Western North Carolina residents facing a hunger crisis.
Every day, our MANNA partner network encounters hard-working people like Adam who struggle to afford food and face an uphill battle against financial obstacles. Too often, food has to take a back seat to their rent, utilities, and other priorities.
Adam and his girls are representative of what 1 in 6 people, and 1 in 4 children, in Western North Carolina face – a daily struggle with hunger.
MANNA works hard to be there for people like Adam and his daughters, right when they need us most, but we can’t do it without your help.
You can help us help families like Adam’s: For every dollar donated to MANNA, we can provide enough food for 4 meals. That means just $25 can help provide 100 meals for our most vulnerable community members, like children and seniors.
Here’s How You Can Help:
Every dollar donated to MANNA helps provide enough food for 4 meals. To make a secure, online donation visit our donation page. You can call our office at 828-299-3663. You can mail checks directly to our office at MANNA FoodBank, 627 Swannanoa River Road, Asheville, NC 28805. If you would like to learn about our endowment or make plans for a legacy gift, please call our Director of Planned Giving at 299-3663 ext. 1243, or email Give@MANNAFoodBank.org.
To put it simply, MANNA and the partner agencies could not exist without volunteers. Nearly 2,500 volunteers dedicated more than 54,000 hours of their time in 2020-2021. Volunteers are always needed to help support our 16-county service area, including the Qualla Boundary. We can accommodate large groups or individuals. Whatever your skill or passion, please consider joining us to achieve our vision of a hunger-free WNC. For more details, visit our volunteer page. Contact us at volunteering@MANNAFoodBank.org if you have questions.
Understand and Advocate.
There are many ways to learn more about hunger on a local and national level and MANNA FoodBank’s response. Visiting our warehouses or volunteering is often a first step. (Call 828-299-FOOD (3663) to schedule a tour of our facilities!) Food drives are also a great way to engage your friends and co-workers and help those facing hunger. You can also read our annual report, showing how MANNA and our dedicated friends and partners work daily to address hunger. And, of course, sign up for our enewsletters to stay up to date on MANNA’s activities and the work to end hunger in WNC.