How to Write a Press Release
Sometimes your organization needs something: more volunteers, broader participation, a new truck, more shelving, support from
local leadership, etc. The best way to attract solutions to your problems can be by letting the community know more about your needs – or maybe they only need to know you exist! We recommend writing your own press releases and sending them to local media. This could mean sending the release to the local or regional paper, radio, television or favorite local website.
It is commonplace to send your release to every possible news outlet you can think of because they will not all publish your news. In fact, none of them may publish your news – it is totally up to them. The quality of your release will impact whether or not they publish your story, also your relationship with that news organization can impact publication. Be friendly, follow up with calls or emails, but don’t be annoying.
So remember, it is up to you to make your release desirable enough that the news want to use it. They may turn your release into a one sentence item or into a feature length investigative piece. They may use none of your language or copy your release word for word. Put your best work forward then hope for the best. You may be pleasantly surprised at how newsworthy your humble organization can be.
Here are three examples of news releases /templates. Hopefully by looking at them you can figure out an angle for your story. If you are stuck thinking of a good “angle”, feel free to call your zone coordinator, they may have some suggestions. Please note that none of these templates or examples are intended to be copied word-for-word; you should replace each paragraph with your own organization’s news story.
Please, if you do get your article in the news or on broadcast media, let MANNA know. We love to hear about your successes, and want to note it for our archives.
PressReleaseTemplate for partners
Nonprofit_Press_Release_Template 2